IXL | Learn grade 3 English language arts (2025)

184 skills 24 games

IXL offers more than 100 grade 3 English language arts skills and games to explore and learn! Not sure where to start? Go to your personalized Recommendationswall to find a skill that looks interesting, or select a skillplan that aligns to your textbook, provincial curriculum, or standardized test.

IXL offers more than 100 grade 3 English language arts skills and games to explore and learn! Not sure where to start? Go to your personalized Recommendationswall to find a skill that looks interesting, or select a skillplan that aligns to your textbook, provincial curriculum, or standardized test.

Reading foundations Foundations

Reading strategies Reading

Writing strategies Writing

Vocabulary Vocab

Grammar and mechanics Grammar

Reading foundations

A. Short and long vowels

  1. 1

    Use spelling patterns to sort long and short vowel words

  2. 2

    Spell rhyming words to answer riddles

  3. 3

    Spell the long a word: silent e, ai, ay, ea, ey, eigh

  4. 4

    Spell the long e word: silent e, ee, ea, ie

  5. 5

    Spell the long i word: silent e, ie, y, igh, ind, ild

  6. 6

    Spell the long o word: silent e, oa, ow, old, ost, olt

  7. 7

    Spell the long u word: silent e, ue, oo, ew, ui

B. Blends

  1. 1

    Complete the word with a three-letter consonant blend

C. Multisyllabic words

  1. 1

    Spell words with open and closed syllables

  2. 2

    Spell consonant-l-e words

D. Diphthongs and r vowel patterns

  1. 1

    Spell words with vowel diphthong patterns

  2. 2

    Spell words with r vowel patterns

E. Irregular words

  1. 1

    Spell the sight word

Reading strategies

F. Main idea

  1. 1

    Use key details to determine the main idea

  2. 2

    Determine the main idea of a passage

G. Theme

  1. 1

    Determine the themes of myths, fables and folktales

H. Author's purpose

  1. 1

    Identify the author's purpose: mixed media

  2. 2

    Identify the author's purpose: passages

I. Text structure

  1. 1

    Determine the order of events in informational texts

  2. 2

    Compare and contrast in informational texts

  3. 3

    Match causes with effects

  4. 4

    Match causes and effects in informational texts

  5. 5

    Match problems with their solutions

  6. 6

    Identify text structures

J. Sensory details

  1. 1

    Sort sensory details

K. Literary devices

  1. 1

    Determine the meanings of similes

L. Point of view

  1. 1

    Distinguish points of view

M. Inference

  1. 1

    Use actions and dialogue to understand characters

  2. 2

    Draw inferences from a text

  3. 3

    Make predictions about a story

N. Story elements

  1. 1

    Identify story elements

O. Visual elements

  1. 1

    Compare mythological illustrations

P. Literary texts: level 1

  1. 1

    Read fantasy with illustrations

  2. 2

    Read historical fiction with illustrations

  3. 3

    Read science fiction with illustrations

  4. 4

    Read realistic fiction with illustrations

Q. Literary texts: level 2

  1. 1

    Read realistic fiction: set 1

  2. 2

    Read realistic fiction: set 2

  3. 3

    Read poetry

R. Informational texts: level 1

  1. 1

    Read passages about animals

  2. 2

    Read about food

  3. 3

    Read about art, music and traditions

  4. 4

    Read about sports and hobbies

S. Informational texts: level 2

  1. 1

    Read about famous people

  2. 2

    Read about famous places

  3. 3

    Read about business and technology

  4. 4

    Read about science and nature

Writing strategies

T. Organizing writing

  1. 1

    Put the sentences in order

  2. 2

    Order items from most general to most specific

  3. 3

    Organize information by topic

U. Topic sentences

  1. 1

    Choose topic sentences for narrative paragraphs

  2. 2

    Choose topic sentences for expository paragraphs

V. Writer's purpose

  1. 1

    Choose the text that matches the writer's purpose

W. Linking words

  1. 1

    Identify time-order words

  2. 2

    Use time-order words

  3. 3

    Use coordinating conjunctions

  4. 4

    Use subordinating conjunctions

  5. 5

    Choose the best transition

X. Opinion writing

  1. 1

    Distinguish facts from opinions

  2. 2

    Identify an author's statement of opinion

  3. 3

    Choose reasons to support an opinion

  4. 4

    Complete the opinion passage with an example

  5. 5

    Complete the opinion passage with a reason

  6. 6

    Complete the opinion-reason-example table

Y. Descriptive details

  1. 1

    Add descriptive details to sentences

  2. 2

    Show character emotions and traits

  3. 3

    Revise the sentence using a stronger verb


Z. Prefixes and suffixes

  1. 1

    Identify base words, prefixes and suffixes

  2. 2

    Determine the meaning of a word with pre-, re- or mis-

  3. 3

    Use the prefixes pre-, re- and mis-

  4. 4

    Determine the meaning of a word with -ful or -less

  5. 5

    Determine the meaning of a word with -ly or -ness

  6. 6

    Determine the meaning of a word with -able or -ment

  7. 7

    Determine the meaning of a word with a suffix: review

  8. 8

    Determine the meanings of words with prefixes and suffixes: review

AA. Greek and Latin roots

  1. 1

    Use Greek and Latin roots as clues to the meanings of words

  2. 2

    Determine the meanings of Greek and Latin roots

  3. 3

    Determine the meanings of words with Greek and Latin roots

BB. Compound words

  1. 1

    Form compound words

  2. 2

    Form and use compound words

CC. Categories

  1. 1

    Select the members of a group

  2. 2

    Select the words that don't belong

DD. Synonyms and antonyms

  1. 1

    Choose the synonym

  2. 2

    Which sentence has the same meaning?

  3. 3

    Find synonyms in context

  4. 4

    Choose the antonym

  5. 5

    Which sentence uses an antonym?

  6. 6

    Find antonyms in context

EE. Homophones

  1. 1

    Homophones with pictures

  2. 2

    Identify homophones

  3. 3

    Use the correct homophone

FF. Multiple-meaning words

  1. 1

    Which definition matches the sentence?

  2. 2

    Which sentence matches the definition?

GG. Shades of meaning

  1. 1

    Describe the difference between related words

  2. 2

    Positive and negative connotation

HH. Idioms

  1. 1

    Choose the picture that matches the idiomatic expression

II. Context clues

  1. 1

    Determine the meaning of words using synonyms in context

  2. 2

    Use context to identify the meaning of a word

JJ. Reference skills

  1. 1

    Order alphabetically based on the first letter

  2. 2

    Order alphabetically based on the first two letters

  3. 3

    Order alphabetically based on the first three letters

  4. 4

    Order alphabetically: challenge

  5. 5

    Use guide words

  6. 6

    Use dictionary entries

  7. 7

    Use dictionary definitions

Grammar and mechanics

KK. Sentences, fragments and run-ons

  1. 1

    Is the sentence a statement, question, command or exclamation?

  2. 2

    Identify the complete subject of a sentence

  3. 3

    Identify the complete predicate of a sentence

  4. 4

    Identify the simple subject or predicate of a sentence

  5. 5

    Is it a complete sentence or a fragment?

  6. 6

    Is it a complete sentence or a run-on?

  7. 7

    Is it a complete sentence, a fragment or a run-on?

  8. 8

    Is the sentence simple or compound?

  9. 9

    Order the words to create a sentence

LL. Nouns

  1. 1

    Which word is a noun?

  2. 2

    Identify nouns

  3. 3

    Identify nouns – with abstract nouns

  4. 4

    Identify common and proper nouns

  5. 5

    Form regular plurals with -s, -es and -ies

  6. 6

    Use regular plurals with -s, -es and -ies

  7. 7

    Is the noun singular or plural?

  8. 8

    Form and use irregular plurals

  9. 9

    Identify plurals, singular possessives and plural possessives

  10. 10

    Form the singular or plural possessive

  11. 11

    Identify and correct errors with plural and possessive nouns

MM. Pronouns

  1. 1

    Identify personal pronouns

  2. 2

    Choose between subject and object personal pronouns

  3. 3

    Replace the noun with a personal pronoun

  4. 4

    Compound subjects and objects with "I" and "me"

  5. 5

    Identify possessive pronouns

  6. 6

    Use possessive pronouns

  7. 7

    Choose between personal and reflexive pronouns

  8. 8

    Use reflexive pronouns

NN. Verb types

  1. 1

    Use action verbs

  2. 2

    Identify action verbs

  3. 3

    Identify main verbs and helping verbs

OO. Subject-verb agreement

  1. 1

    Is the subject singular or plural?

  2. 2

    Use the correct subject or verb

  3. 3

    Pronoun-verb agreement

PP. Verb tense

  1. 1

    Which sentence is in the regular past tense?

  2. 2

    Identify verbs in the regular past tense

  3. 3

    Form and use the regular past tense

  4. 4

    Identify the irregular past tense I

  5. 5

    Identify the irregular past tense II

  6. 6

    Form and use the irregular past tense: set 1

  7. 7

    Form and use the irregular past tense: set 2

  8. 8

    Form and use the irregular past tense: set 3

  9. 9

    Form and use the irregular past tense: set 4

  10. 10

    Form and use the irregular past tense: set 5

  11. 11

    To be: use the correct form

  12. 12

    To have: use the correct form

  13. 13

    Is the sentence in the past, present or future tense?

  14. 14

    Change the sentence to future tense

QQ. Articles

  1. 1

    Use the correct article: a or an

  2. 2

    Use the correct article: a, an or the

  3. 3

    Identify articles

RR. Adjectives and adverbs

  1. 1

    Does the adjective tell you what kind or how many?

  2. 2

    Identify the adjective that describes the noun

  3. 3

    Identify adjectives

  4. 4

    Does the adverb tell you how, when or where?

  5. 5

    Identify adverbs

  6. 6

    Choose between adjectives and adverbs

  7. 7

    Is the word an adjective or adverb?

  8. 8

    Use adjectives to compare

  9. 9

    Spell adjectives that compare

  10. 10

    Use adverbs to compare

SS. Prepositions

  1. 1

    Identify prepositions

  2. 2

    Identify prepositions and their objects

  3. 3

    Identify prepositional phrases

  4. 4

    Prepositions: review

TT. Conjunctions

  1. 1

    Identify coordinating conjunctions

  2. 2

    Identify subordinating conjunctions

UU. Contractions

  1. 1

    Pronoun-verb contractions

  2. 2

    Contractions with "not"

VV. Commas

  1. 1

    Commas with dates

  2. 2

    Commas with direct addresses and after introductory words

WW. Capitalization

  1. 1

    Capitalizing the names of people and pets and titles of respect

  2. 2

    Capitalizing days, months and holidays

  3. 3

    Capitalizing the names of places and geographic features

XX. Formatting

  1. 1

    Greetings and closings of letters

  2. 2

    Capitalizing titles

  3. 3

    Formatting titles

  4. 4

    Formatting and capitalizing titles

  5. 5

    Punctuating dialogue

IXL | Learn grade 3 English language arts (2025)


Can IXL be used for English language learners? ›

IXL is proven to help schools drive academic gains for English language learners at all levels. Each English language learner has a unique profile of strengths and weaknesses, and the first step in supporting them is knowing where they're at.

Does IXL do language arts? ›

IXL Language Arts helps students build the skills they need to become strong communicators.

What is covered in 3rd grade language arts? ›

Course topics include:
  • Nouns and Pronouns.
  • Writing Personal Narrative.
  • Explanatory Writing.
  • Verbs, Adjectives and Adverbs.
  • Opinion Writing.
  • Writing That Compares.
  • Expository Writing.
  • Writing a Story.

How do I help my 3rd grader with language arts? ›

Practice Activities

Current Events: Talk about current events together. Discuss with the child so they understand what is happening and how it connects to their lives, other events they may have seen or read about, and other parts of their community. Role Model Verbal Skills: Become aware of how you speak.

Why do schools still use IXL? ›

IXL gives you everything you need to maximize learning

IXL provides thousands of curriculum and instructional resources, actionable analytics, a state‑of‑the‑art assessment suite, and much more. Each component works together seamlessly to help your teachers and students succeed.

Can you use IXL for a grade? ›

Yes! All IXL subscriptions provide unlimited access to every grade level available on the site for the subject(s) in your subscription.

Can I use IXL as a full curriculum? ›

IXL is open and flexible: You have access to our entire PK-12 curriculum and can adapt it to meet the needs of your unique classroom.

Can you learn languages on IXL? ›

IXL lays the foundation for Spanish fluency with interactive questions, engaging audio, and real-world narratives that put a fresh spin on vocabulary and grammar skills.

What program is better than IXL? ›

IXL Alternatives and similar companies
CompaniesPricing & Free Trial
Khan AcademyFree, non-profit organization. Free trial: No
Time4LearningMinimum purchase is $24.95/month. Free trial: No
WiingyStarting at $28/hr. Free trial: Yes
Pearson Smarthinking$45/hr. Free trial: No
2 more rows

What to teach in English Grade 3? ›

Course Topics
  • Strategies for reading comprehension and summarization.
  • Literary terms.
  • Reading informational and literary texts.
  • Short stories and poems.
  • Words and phrases, vocabulary and langauge.
  • Glossaries and dictionaries.
  • Spelling rules, grammar and punctuation.
  • The writing process.

What grade level is English 3? ›

English 3 is the class you take in 11th grade (junior year), most likely. And English 4 is 12th grade English. The classes don't necessarily get harder from 10th to 11th to 12th, but the literature that is covered is different.

What should a 3rd grader know in English? ›

By the beginning of third grade, kids are expected to be able to do basic writing, editing, and revising. They're also expected to have mastered basic reading skills and start focusing on comprehension.

Should phonics be taught in 3rd grade? ›

Grade 3 Foundational Skills Instruction: Whole and Small Group Settings. In third grade, children develop more advanced phonemic awareness, phonics knowledge, and decoding skill, all of which contribute to the development of fluent reading.

What level should 3rd graders be reading at? ›

The lettered reading levels correlating to third grade are N, O and P. So, typically, a child should be at a level N in the fall and advance to level P by the end of the year. However, some children may be below or above this range. If a child falls too far below this range, a parent may be concerned.

How much should a 3rd grader be able to write? ›

By third Grade, students should be able to write a paragraph. This includes being comfortable with end marks and having a solid subject/predicate sentence structure. They should also slowly become more familiar with commas, apostrophes, and quotation marks.

What languages does IXL support? ›

Our U.S. edition is only available in English, with an option for Spanish language support for key math skills at the Pre-K through Geometry levels. To learn more, please read Does IXL offer Spanish language support for skills?

How do I add English to IXL? ›

Sign in to your parent account from the IXL website. Open your account menu in the upper-right corner, and select Subscription details. In the Membership information section, click add English. Click Update to confirm.

What can IXL be used for? ›

IXL makes it easy to teach any lesson, personalize instruction, and accelerate learning. Covering all 4 core subjects, our PK-12 curriculum is aligned to all 50 state standards, popular textbooks, and standardized tests.

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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Views: 5585

Rating: 5 / 5 (60 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.