Sapulpa Daily Herald from Sapulpa, Oklahoma (2024)

Wanted Wanted: Day time car hop. Apply in person. Drive In, 821 E. Dewey. (93tfc) Opportunity.

Green Hill Memorial Gardens has vacancies on its counseling staff. We: are looking for additional local men or women of good character who are willing to work in return for a permanent good income opportunity. Sales experience preferred, but we train you to assure your success. We prefer an ambitious person over 25. If you fell you can qualify call our office for personal interview.

224-2312. (935) Wanted: Part time workers. Stuart Lumber. 117 S. Maple.

(92314) Will pay well for your spare time working at home for us. Anyone who can read and write can qualify. Weekly salary. Details write James Bliss P.O. Box 324, Dept.

452. Levittown, 19053. (3) Night cook needed. Apply in person. A Drive In, 821 E.

Dewey (818 tfc) 30-Business Opportunity SHAMROCK STATION FOR LEASE 420 W. Dewey. Call J. Dee Coon, Topper Oil Co. 939-3357.

(7) 31-Card of Thanks CARD OF THANKS We would like to thank all our friends for their kindness and sympathy at the loss of our parents. Winifred PhippsMarch, 1971 and Dewey Phipps- 1971. We especially thank our minister, Bill Guymon, for the comfort he gave us. Dr's. Kinney and Washburn, the nurses at Bartlett Memorial Hospital for the excellent care they gave them, and all those for their visits, and the ones who sent flowers, food and cards.

The Family of Dewey and Winifred Phipps CARD OF THANKS We wish to take this opportunity to thank all our friends for the love and consideration shown to us during our time of sorrow in the loss of our loved one. The Family of Otis Gann. Claris Gann, Mr. Mrs. Raymond Dugan and children, Mr.

Mrs. Harley Mason and Debby. A person standing eight feet above sea level can see about three and three-quarter miles. FOR SALE acre tracts for mobile homes. Beautiful wooded area.

Rural Water and hard surface roads. $2,500 No down payment on easy terms 224-0365 Today! Anna Snider Dies; Widow Of Ex-Official Mrs. Anna Catherine Snider, 73, Sapulpan since 1925, died early Friday at Oklahoma Osteopathic Hospital, Tulsa. Her home was at 606 S. Apple.

Mrs. Snider was the widow of Lee Snider, former district court clerk. They moved here in 1925 from Kiefer, where she was a postal clerk. She was a member of First Baptist church and Radiant Chapter, OES. Survivors are two sons, Chief of Police Paul Snider, 608 S.

Apple; Jim Snider, Del City; six daughters, Ruth Walker, Tulsa; Jean Koons, Orangeburg, Anna Lee Wiley, Miami; Laura Snider, 3745 Lakeside Carol Brown, Miami; Joan Causey, 423 N. Hodge; 18 grandchildren and three sisters, Effie Thurman, El Paso; Audrey Long, Lockwood, Grace Kahle, Lincoln, Ark. Funeral arrangements are pending with Owen Funeral Home. The family will headquarter at the Paul Snider home. McGuire Dies; Rites At Kellyville Clifford J.

"Square" McGuire, 58, Rt. 1 Kellyville, died Thursday night at Bartlett Memorial Hospital after a two months illness. He was born at Decatur, Sept. 24, 1912 and had lived in the Kellyville area since he was a year old. For the past 24 years he had been employed as a heavy equipment operator and in maintenance by the Corps of Engineers, Heyburn I Dam.

He was a veteran of World War II, serving with the air force and was a member of a Baptist church and the Kellyville Veterans of Foreign Wars. Surviving are his wife, Rosemary, of the home; three daughters, Mary Jane Carr, Tulsa; Judy Kay McGuire and Rose Root of the home; five sons, Darrell McGuire, Oakland, David James McGuire, Clifton McGuire, Kellyville; Michael Roger and Steven John McGuire of the home; ten grandchildren. Also surviving are three brothers, Clint McGuire, Kellyville; Clark McGuire, Sapulpa; J.C. McGuire, Eufaula and five sisters, Mrs. Dave Morton, Highland, Mrs.

Bill Fenn, Phoenix, Mrs. Raymond McCarty, Mrs. James Smith and Mrs. Thad Kirk of Sapulpa. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m.

Monday at Pentecostal Holiness church, Kellyville. Officiating will be the Revs. John Bliss and Vernie Edwards. Interment will be in Sunrise cemetery under direction of Smith Funeral Home. RATES UP MANILA (UPI) -The cheaper value of the Philippine peso abroad has prompted the 22 international airlines operating in the Philippines to raise their travel and freight rates up to 5 per cent.

FOR SALE ALL- BRICK 3-Bedroom with 112 baths. Carpeted, attached garage, Built-in kitchen. All appliances. Fenced yard. FHA $625 Total cash requirement.

$125 per month 2227 S. Park NICE 2-BEDROOM Home one block from schools. Fenced yard. and workshop. Large kitchen.

Garage $10,000 $1,000 down 1201 E. McKinley ESTATE LOANS REAL INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. 23 PARK SOUTH 224-1244 446-4854 Romanoff Always Colorful HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Mike Romanoff, who died of a heart attack Wednesday, was either an unusually democratic nobleman or an abysmally snobbish peasant. He liked to have people think he was both. In either case, Prince Mike was always colorful.

At his death in Good Samaritan Hospital his age was estimated at anywhere from 75 to 85. Equally hazy was the little man's identity. When he first came to Hollywood in 1927 as a Hussar of fortune, Mike convinced titlehappy movie stars he was Prince Michael Alexandrovitch Dmitri Obolensky Romanoff, heir to the Russian throne. Only five feet in stature, Romanoff walked and talked like a prince -with a broken accent. He was disdainful of evidence that he was actually Harry Gerguson of Brooklyn or Pittsburgh.

When he was first unmasked as an imposter in the 1930s, Romanoff lost his standing as a social lion, which was his major source of food and shelter, and he vanished for a time. He was the guest of several city jails for writing checks not honored in this country nor Russia. He was deported to France in 1932 but returned to the United States as a stowaway. He returned to Hollywood and in 1939 opened a posh restaurant in Beverly Hills with financial backing from Humphrey Bogart, Charlie Chaplin and James Cagney. Romanoff's became a hangout for celebrities who rejoiced more in a character with a phony title than in genuine nobility.

Mike reigned again. A man of great vanity, Romanoff wore spats, carried a walking stick, favored homburgs and sported a neatly trimmed mustache which he frequently touched to punctuate his sonorous observations. With princely elan ne you the best tables for ranking movie stars, making it a point to sit and chat with each for a few moments, for which the star paid enormous tabs for so-so food. Robert Benchley was moved to note: "Romanoff's is one restaurant where the customer is seldom right." Mike agreed. George Jessel observed, "Romanoff's is a place where the average American family can sit down to an average $3,500 dinner." Romanoff's nationality was a subject of dispute all his life.

He visited Russia in 1959 and observed on his return, "they thought I looked like a member Hospital Notes BARTLETT MEMORIAL Admissions: Chester Steelman, Baby Girl Scott, Lillie Smithey, Clarence Wroten, Albert S. Lehr, Debbie Boak, Katherine Garnter, Baby Boy Foutch, Marjorie Green, Barbara Whitney, Grace Keith, Andrea Brown, Cloris McCracken, Cora Snipes, Hazel Bowes. Dismissals: Joyce Wallace, Baby Boy Wallace, Ruby Dickens, Donald Spellins, Mary Hampton, Jerry Thompson, Delphia Houston, Sharon Robinson. of the royal family. But their restaurants are deplorable.

Not a one of them could compare with mine." In 1958 Congress passed a bill that declared Romanoff a U.S. citizen -as of 1932. The bill was signed by President Eisenhower. On taking the oath of allegiance, Romanoff renounced claim to the Russian throne. Thereafter, Mike was bereft even of a spurious title.

It injured his image but not his immense dignity. He became a fixture at Hollywood's best parties, where his wit and raiment added color and a slightly off-beat wacky element to the beautiful women and their wealthy escorts. In 1962 Romanoff closed his restaurant with a party attended by Dean Martin, Kirk Doublas, Jack Lemmon, Shirley MacLaine and many more. For the rest of his life Mike Romanoff lived in semi-retirement, appearing in motion pictures from time to time for old friends and a few dollars. He was a close companion of Frank Sinatra and considered the singer his best friend.

He played croquet with Sam Goldwyn and other contemporaries with the intensity of a man plotting an overthrow of the Soviet regime. But he soldom spoke again of his illustrious forebears and the throne of White Russia which somehow eluded him all his life. The Worry By George CRANE W. Clinic Ph. M.

D. Case R-533: Dr. was president of his State Dental Society when I addressed its banquet session. "Dr. Crane," he grumbled, "our A.D.A., as well as your A.M.A., are too dictatorial because they are monopolies!" "Thus, the bureaucrats at the Home Office are becoming dictocrats!" "For example, I was recently upbraided just for having my dental diploma hanging in my office." "For it cites my being awarded the D.D.S.

degree. But I was warned not to say I was a dental surgeon! Imagine! "Yet all dental graduates of first class dental colleges are specifically trained in such dental surgery to do extractions, straightening of teeth, enfull dentures, etc. is dodontia, "But the dictocrats now wish to restrict extractions to 'specialists' called surgeons' who merely charge patients more! "And the A.D.A. does the same for so-called 'orthodontia yet tooth straightening is a standard dental procedure. "This dictocratic behavior of the Home Office merely forces patients to pay far more money for the same dental surgery.

"If a doctor wishes to limit his practice to any single type of surgery, either because it's more lucrative or less demanding on his time and energy, that's his option. "But we resent this Hitler attempt of the monopolistic A.D.A. to regiment all of us other dental surgeons. "Yet that's what is happening, for I recently handled a Welfare client." "And the nuisance papers I had to fill out asked not for my state license but my A.D.A. membership number! "Isn't that a form of 'blackmail' to make us remain in the A.D.A.

and pay its high dues!" "What we need are two rival national dental societies so each can keep the other more honest and less expensive. "Same goes for your A.M.A., which now is in cahoots with the federal Health, Education and Welfare bureau, and also connives with hospitals to drop talented doctors from hospital BACK TO SCHOOL IN A SAFE-LIKE NEW CAR! staffs if they fail to ring up enough cash business at the hospital till! "Zooming costs of Medicare and Medicaid are thus due in part to this medical monopoly. "Maybe the anti-trust laws should be invoked to force dental and medical groups into having two strong, rival associations, like the Republican and Democratic political parties. "For whenever monopoly exists, the Home Office dictocrats soon become less responsive to the needs of the public or even of their own members who resent braintruster regimentation. "I understand that only slightly more than 50 per cent of America's licensed physicians belong to the A.M.A., yet Congressmen tell me the A.M.A.

is the strongest lobbying group at Washington." "Both the A.D.A. and A.M.A. are constantly lobbying for millions of federal handouts! "Recently a rival dental organization has been started to give practicing dentists a choice." "It is called the American Association of Dentists (A.A.D.) SO maybe it can restore wholesome competition in my dental field. "But why can't we also have two competing associations in medicine, and maybe in law, engineering or all other professional fields, including labor unions. "William Buckley recently filed suit against the autocratic demands that he join the broadcasters union or be denied freedom of the airwaves.

"It is time we stopped this monopoly of all trades and professions, so please air my grievance in your column but withhold my name for the time being." Dewey -Walnut Mishap Site Louise Cornwell, Oakhurst, was charged with failure to yield the right of way when the car she was driving collided with another vehicle at the intersection of Dewey and Walnut Thursday afternoon. The other car was driven by Don Engle, Rt. 1. 1970 DATSUN 4-Door, Air Conditioned $1,795 1970 2-Door. from 2 at to only Choose STANDARD CHEVROLET CHEVROLET USED CAR LOT DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 6.

Austere 20. Tyro1. 'The 7. Zodiacal lean Crucible" sign call setting 8. L.

A. 21. Putre6. Abraham's ballplayer 9. 23.

Get 11. Texas flavored drowsy cottonwood drink 25. Dupe 12. wind 10. Possessive 26.

Inlet 13. See 33 pronoun 28. Sinewy Across 14. 30. Used a 15.

Withered apparent scull 16. Kibitzer 16. Type 31. Jocular 21. Fencing of 33.

Indian foil printed weight 22. Sine qua fabric 34. Parisian 17. Sinclair matron 24. Aquatic 18.

Equal (abbr.) animal 19. Bell 35. Doctors' 25. Belief sound org. 27.

Spanish uncle 28. Lamented 29. See 33 Across 32. Put on 33. Wise guy 40.

Ant 15 41. Caliban's slave 18 42. Starter's word 43. Scrawny DOWN 25 1. Word with bones 28 and dust 30 2.

Mohammed's son-in-law 3. Spanish 33 article Scottish 40 uncle 5. Franken- 42 stein's ADAS0 MADLY HAT NUN RAG MARGIN SEWAGE RIOT INANE HONDU BARN JONGER ELA ANT NAP ANNIE NOVEL METER GRACE Yesterday's Answer 36. Metric land measure 37. Never (Ger.) 38.

Little Edward 39. Foxy creation 9-3 DAILY CRYPTOQUOTE Here's how to work it: AXYDLBAAXR is LONGFELLOW One letter simply stands for used for the three L's, for apostrophes, the length and hints. Each day the code letters A Cryptogram another. In this sample. A is the two O's, etc.

Single letters, formation of the words are all are different. Quotation BKTF RVBF LF YKT SVOYK, HTSTSDTH CVFMK: KT IMST VOY MWW YKVSME M. TRLEVF Yesterday's Cryptoquote: IF YOU THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK, THE OTHER FELLOW GETS IN HIS JOKE W. HOWE Mid-Day Stock List By United Press International Am up Beth Steel up Blue Bell up Braniff up Celanese 77 up Chrysler up Cities Svc Colt Ind up Cont Oil Crown Zel 33 up Delta A off Dow Chem up Emerson El up Firestone off Ford 70 up Gar Den off Gen El up Gen Foods off Gen Mtrs up Sapulpa (Okla.) Herald, Friday, September 3, 1971-PAGE NINE Legal Records DISTRICT COURT Civil Cases John F. Carletti vs Oklahoma Natural Gas $2,000 judgment asked.

Divorces Granted Rosie Carpenter vs Floyd D. Carpenter. Rachel Joann Pollard VS Leslie Allen Pollard. Hilda Louise Fletcher VS Thomas James Fletcher. Marriage Licenses Clifford Barnes and Carolyn Thompson, Sapulpa.

Walter B. Johnson and Grace Burks, Sand Springs. Traffic Cases The following traffic cases have been filed in District Court: Philip Wesley Holden, Tulsa, careless driving; Marvin C. Johnston, Guthrie, speeding; William Thomas Jones, Green Forest, speeding; O.D. Merriweather, St.

Louis, operating a motor vehicle as a motor carrier for hire without proper identification devise. Other District Court cases filed were: Buckey Joe Crook, Tulsa, carrying a concealed weapon; operating a motor vehicle during suspension and improper display of another's license. Letters 'To The Editor The Herald welcomes letters from its readers. All letters must be signed by the writer, but if you request we will give consideration to withholding your name. We cannot accept unsigned letters.

All letters or other mailed articles, etc. are sent at sender's risk and none will be returned unless arranged for in af. vance and postage supplied. Dear Editor: How to rid the United States of crime. Get rid of all firearms bull manure! It has been proven time after time that criminals can get guns.

My suggestion. When using a firearm in the act of a crime slap 15 year minimum sentence with no chance of parole. I realize the politicians would lose a lot of votes, but the streets would be a lot safer. And another thing no guns in the hands of honest people would make revolution easier. If the Mayor of New York, Bolivar Shagnasty would repeal the Sullivan Law and let the citizens of said city protect themselves the crime rate would drop.

Ask the policeman about what would happen if the public had no guns. D.M., Sapulpa 36 GTE up Gulf Oil up Halliburt 67 up Harris Int 60 up Int Paper Johns Man up Johns 91 Kennecott up Kerr Mcg up -Motorola up 14. Penney up Phillips up Procter up Quaker Oat up RCA up Safeway up Schumbrg up Sears RB 94 up 1 Std 0 NJ 71 Swift off Local Firm Aids Program Green Hill Memorial Gardens of Sapulpa is one of the Creek county firms taking part in a statewide effort to find jobs for returning Vietnam veterans, according to Secretary of State John Rogers. Rogers is coordinator of Oklahoma's Jobs for Veterans program. Morris Leonhard, state employment service director, said about 1,500 veterans are returning monthly to Oklahoma.

Assisting with the employment program are the American Legion, War Veterans Commission, Oklahoma State Employment Service, Oklahoma Veterans Council, Associated Industries of Oklahoma, AFLCIO, Oklahoma Lions Clubs, Civil Service Commission and Veterans Administration. The command post for the North American Air Defense Command (NORAD) is located inside hollowed out Cheyenne Mountain, near Colorado Springs, Colo. ED MEEKER'S HONDA SALES Notice to Honda Owners- We have a nice selection of HONDA PARTS. Visit us often. HONDA 300 W.

Moses Okla. Authorized Cushing, Sales Service Phone (918) 225-0943 BEST BUY DAYS GOOD SELECTION OF '71 MODELS all going at CLOSE-OUT PRICES See Marcus, T.J., Paul or Bob Cain They'll assist You in making Your Selection 4 More Reasons to buy Marcus Horn T.J. Kennedy BRAND NEW CHRYSLER-DODGE-DODGE TRUCKS BUICK GMC '71 DODGE 1. TRADE -INS ACCEPTED (Paid for or not) DART-CHARGERS 2. BANK FINANCING CHALLENGER POLARAS 3.

IMMEDIATE DELIVERY PICK 4. INSURANCE Included ALL CREDIT APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED HURRY HURRY- NEW BUICK 1970 MAVERICK 1970 BUICK SKYLARKS -Standard tran- Skylark, 2-Dr. Sport Coupe, and smission, air conditioned 350'' V-8, automatic traneconomy 6-cylinder, extra smission, power steering, radio SPORTWAGONS sharp with rear seat speaker, custom vinyl roof. SAVE $1695 SAVE A Good Buy $3,695 See the Marcus Horn-T. J.

Kennedy 1971 GMC Brand New Chrysler Dodge Buick GMC SPRINT 111-123 S. Main 224-5234 at 00000000000 Close-Out.

Sapulpa Daily Herald from Sapulpa, Oklahoma (2024)


What tribe is in Sapulpa OK? ›

The Yuchi (Euchee) Tribe lived near and alongside the same areas of the Muscogee, along Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina areas. The two tribes are not blood related, however. The Euchee Mission Boarding School began in 1891. It expanded in 1894, and became a large campus-like facility.

Is Sapulpa OK a good place to live? ›

Living in Sapulpa offers residents a sparse suburban feel and most residents own their homes. In Sapulpa there are a lot of parks. Many families live in Sapulpa and residents tend to be conservative. The public schools in Sapulpa are above average.

Who founded Sapulpa Oklahoma? ›

The town is named for "Chief" James Sapulpa, a full-blood Lower Creek from Alabama, who came to Indian Territory and around 1850 established a trading post about one mile southeast of the present community.

What is Sapulpa known for? ›

Billed as the "Heart of Historic Route 66," Sapulpa hosts visitors from across the globe.

What is the oldest tribe in Oklahoma? ›

The next period, the time of Early Specialized Hunters, refers to our earliest well-documented inhabitants, known in the literature as the "Clovis and Folsom cultures." Clovis people occupied Oklahoma around 11,000 to 12,000 years ago, and Folsom occurred somewhat later, around 10,000 years ago.

What is the smallest tribe in Oklahoma? ›

Oklahoma's smallest American Indian tribe, the Modoc were native to the Pacific Coast. After the Modoc War of 1872–73, 153 Modoc were removed to the Quapaw Agency in Indian Territory.

What is the crime rate in Sapulpa OK? ›

Sapulpa Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes55366
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)2.4416.21

What is the median household income in Sapulpa? ›

Median household income in Sapulpa, OK is $62,168.

Is Sapulpa a small town? ›

Sapulpa, Oklahoma, is a community of over 21,000 people located approximately fifteen miles southwest of Tulsa. With access to our town from five major highways, Sapulpa provides you with all the benefits of a large city with all the charm and friendliness of a smaller town.

What is the oldest organized town in Oklahoma? ›

The town of Fort Gibson is located in Muskogee County, at the junction of U.S. Highway 62 and State Highway 80, nine miles east of Muskogee. Col. Matthew Arbuckle established Cantonment Gibson, later Fort Gibson, on April 21, 1824, to settle strife between the Osage and the Cherokee.

What is the population of Sapulpa 2024? ›

Sapulpa has a 2024 population of 23,312. It is also the county seat of Creek County. Sapulpa is currently growing at a rate of 1.44% annually and its population has increased by 6.03% since the most recent census, which recorded a population of 21,987 in 2020.

Who is the mayor of Sapulpa? ›

City of Sapulpa - Craig Henderson - Mayor.

How old is Sapulpa ok? ›

Sapulpa, city, seat (1907) of Creek county, northeastern Oklahoma, U.S. In 1886 the Frisco Railroad reached the site that the railroad men called Sapulpa, the name of a Creek Indian family that settled in the area about 1850. A railroad terminus, it developed as a cattle-shipping point.

What is the elevation of Sapulpa, Oklahoma? ›

When was Sapulpa High School built? ›

Since its humble beginning in 1907, Sapulpa High has grown to one of the most respected and honored schools in Oklahoma. The first class was graduated from the present building in 1920, with a class of some 40 students. Since that time the school has grown with leaps and bounds, now having an enrollment of over 600.

What are the 5 main tribes in Oklahoma? ›

The term "Five Civilized Tribes" came into use during the mid-nineteenth century to refer to the Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, and Seminole nations.

What happened to the Yuchi tribe? ›

In the 1830s, the US government forcibly removed the Yuchi, along with the Muscogee, from Alabama and Georgia to Indian Territory (present day Oklahoma), west of the Mississippi River. The Yuchi settled in the north and northwestern parts of the Muscogee Nation.

What tribe is Creek Nation? ›

Muscogee (Creek) Nation is a self-governed Native American tribe located in Okmulgee, Oklahoma. MCN is one of the 5 Civilized Tribes and is the fourth largest tribe in the U.S. with 100,766 citizens. The government side of the tribe is made up of an executive branch, a legislative body and a tribal court system.

Where is the Yuchi tribe located? ›

Some remnant groups migrated to Florida, where they became part of the recently formed Seminole tribe. Today the Yuchi live primarily in the northeastern Oklahoma area, where many are enrolled as citizens in the federally recognized Muscogee Creek Nation.

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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.